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Daily Schedule

All sessions listed below are eligible for Nursing CE. Click the tabs below to view the daily schedule details



Tuesday, May 14

Subject to change


10 - 11:15am

NOAP Board of Directors and Conference Committee Meeting

(Invitation only)

10 - 4pm
Registration Caloosa Foyer
11:20 - 12pm
First Time Attendee Orientation
Caloosa Ballroom
12:10 - 12:30pm

Conference Welcome & Opening

  • Virginia Matthews, RN, BSN, MBA; NOAP President
Caloosa Ballroom
12:30 - 1:30pm

CE: 1.00

Moderator: Wanda Jones

Session 1. Exploring the Regulatory Landscape

  • James David Cleghorn, MA; National Council of State Boards of Nursing; Kathleen, Georgia
  • Presentation Handout


This session will provide a general overview of regulatory initiatives across the country.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Discuss changes in the regulatory landscape. 
  2. Discuss advances with the Nurse Licensure Compact and APRN Compact.
Caloosa Ballroom
1:35 - 2:35pm

CE: 1.00

Moderator: Kathie Simpson

Session 2. Toxicology 102


Gas station drugs are a category of substances that are sold legally at gas stations or convenience stores throughout the United States, and are typically marketed as legal alternatives to illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine, or MDMA. However, these substances can be highly dangerous, as their chemical composition and potency can vary greatly. Furthermore, testing for gas station drugs can be challenging due to their varying chemical compositions and the fact that they are often not well understood by users or even some medical professionals. This presentation will discuss the various types of substances available and various testing methods to help identify misuse.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Discuss the presence and dangers of "gas station" drugs - the growth and availability of multiple toxic substances without the need for Rx or ID to purchase. 
  2. Identify the ability to detect and test for some of these substances.
Caloosa Ballroom
2:35 - 3pm
Break in Exhibit Area
Everglades Ballroom
3 - 4pm

CE: 1.00

Miranda Bullington

Session 3. A Look Into a Decade of Support Group Management: Innovation, a Pandemic & The Data


Join us for a thought-provoking presentation that distills a decade of support nurse group data and experience into critical lessons that focus on reducing legal and practical vulnerabilities for monitoring programs. Our comprehensive session will delve into potential legal, ethical, and operational challenges, providing a nuanced perspective that addresses the diverse landscape of risks associated with support groups.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Review the Evolution of Outsourced Support Group Management:
    • Detail the landscape of support group management at the start of the last decade, emphasizing traditional practices and the initial use of digital tools.
    • Discuss the challenges faced at the outset, such as limitations in accessibility, scalability, and varying levels of participant engagement.
  2. Explore Insights and Learnings from Ongoing Data Collection and Their Applications:
    • Present significant findings from data collected over the decade of support group participation metrics, including attendance rates, engagement levels, demographic trends, and participant feedback.
    • Evaluate the integration and impact of these technologies on facilitator and participant experiences.
  3. Analyze the Impact of COVID-19 on the Support Group Structure:
    • Discuss the immediate and enduring effects of the pandemic on support group formats, with a focus on the rapid shift to online meetings.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of virtual support groups compared to traditional in-person formats, considering factors such as accessibility, inclusivity, and participant satisfaction.
Caloosa Ballroom
4:05 - 5:05pm

CE: 1.00

Moderator: Virginia Matthews

Session 4. PETH


Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a very specific nonoxidative metabolite of ethanol that forms only in the presence of ethanol.  Once formed it resides in the phospholipid membranes until it naturally decomposes, or the red cell is eliminated.  The specificity and long detection window have resulted in widespread use of the detection of PEth in whole blood or dried blood spots in environments that require ethanol abstinence monitoring.  We will review the formation and elimination of PEth, several recent publications in the literature and discuss several case reports with interactive participation from the audience.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Describe how PEth is formed. 
  2. Explain the elimination and detection windows. 
  3. Apply PEth results in their workflow.
Caloosa Ballroom
5:05 - 5:50pm
Exhibitor Welcome Reception
Everglades Ballroom
7 - 8pm
Support Group Meeting



Wednesday, May 15

Subject to change


7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors Everglades
8:15 - 3pm
Registration Caloosa Foyer
8:30 - 8:40am Welcome & Announcements Caloosa
8:40 - 9:40am

CE: 1.00

Moderator: Miranda Bullington

Session 5. Progression of Medication Assisted Recovery

  • Lawrence Wilson, MD, MRO, ABAM, FASAM; 7 Summit Pathways Treatment & Recovery Center; Tampa, Florida
  • Presentation Handout

Join Dr. Wilson for an engaging and informative discussion on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to addressing substance use disorders. This session will dive into the neurobiology of addictive disorders and the usage of pharmacotherapy to support long-term recovery. Dr. Wilson will share best practices for incorporating medications into addiction treatment, including patient assessments, individualized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Provide a history and overview of the current state of medication assisted recovery. 
  2. Understand the pharmacology of appropriate recovery support medications. 
  3. Explore the synergy between medications and therapeutic interventions, and how this combination enhances the overall efficacy of addiction treatment.
9:45 - 10:45am

CE: 1.00

Moderator: Virginia Matthews

Session 6. Data Trends for Nurses in a PHP Treatment Setting

  • Rachel Waters, LMHC; UF Health Florida Recovery Center; Gainesville, Florida
  • Apollonia E. Lysandrou, BS, UF Health Florida Recovery Center; Gainesville, Florida
  • Presentation Handout


Nursing Professionals face a number of unique challenges that may impede successful recovery. This presentation aims to improve our knowledge regarding differences between nurses, other professionals, and the general patient population within a variety of treatment-related contexts. Additionally, this session will explore findings from our laboratory’s recently published work that highlights pain’s role in treatment progress, how pain management may positively impact long term recovery, and how this may be especially important among healthcare workers. In gaining information on these data trends, we hope to increase best practices to support individualized needs of the nursing community.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Participants will learn about recent trends in number of admissions, diagnoses, length of stay, etc for nurses in treatment.
  2. Participants will gain knowledge about depression, anxiety scores, and, self-efficacy in nurses compared to physicians and other individuals.
  3. Participants will understand the impact of pain on critical treatment outcomes between healthcare workers and the general patient population.
10:45 - 11:05am
Break in Exhibit Area
11:05 - 12pm

NOAP Annual Business Meeting

12 - 1:30pm
Lunch with Exhibitors Everglades
1:30 - 4pm
CE: 2.00

Break from 2:30 - 2:55pm

Session 7. MRO Toxicology Panel


  • Myrtle Greene, PhD, LMHC, CAP, ICADC; Intervention Project for Nurses; Jacksonville Beach, Florida (Moderator)
  • Anthony G. Costantino, PhD F-ABCC; Costantino Consulting Services, Inc; Penllyn, Pennsylvania
  • James Ferguson, DO, DFASAM, C-MRO; Vault Health; Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
  • Joe Jones, PhD; USDTL; Des Plaines, Illinois
  • Barry Lubin, MD, FASAM, MRO; Affinity Online Solutions; Vienna, Virginia
  • Donna Smith, PhD, EdD; RecoveryTrek; Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Presentation Handout


This panel presentation is aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of the crucial role Medical Review Officers (MROs) play in toxicology testing. Delving into the latest advancements and challenges in the field, the panel will address emerging substances of abuse and their identification and management. Additionally, the presentation will explore the impact of toxicology testing on workplace safety and productivity, shedding light on effective drug testing policies across various industries. This engaging and informative session is a must-attend for professionals seeking to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the field of toxicology.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Provide an overview of the role of Medical Review Officers (MROs) in toxicology testing and their responsibilities in ensuring accurate and reliable test results. 
  2. Discuss the latest advancements and challenges in toxicology testing, including the identification and management of emerging substances of abuse. 
  3. Explore the impact of toxicology testing on workplace safety and productivity, and to discuss best practices for implementing effective drug testing policies in various industries.

Dinner on Your Own



Thursday, May 16

Subject to change


7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:15 - 12:30pm
Registration Caloosa Foyer
8:30 - 8:40am
Welcome & Announcements Caloosa
8:40 - 10:10am

CE: 1.50

Moderator: Virginia Matthews

Session 8. Practical Toxicology for the Professional Monitoring Program: Test Selection, Result Interpretation, THC and Beyond


The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of key toxicology aspects that affect professional monitoring programs. It covers test selection for assessing compliance with program requirements, as well as the interpretation of test results and their implications for public health and safety. The presentation also delves into the challenges posed to monitoring programs by the different isomers of THC, and explores strategies for addressing these challenges. Additionally, it addresses random testing strategies to make monitoring programs more accurate, efficient and cost effective. Overall, the presentation offers valuable insights and practical guidance for professionals involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of toxicology monitoring programs.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Understanding the different types of drug tests available.
  2. Review and analyze the drug testing matrix, testing process and analyze works best for which situation.
  3. Discuss and learn how to interpret drug test results.
  4. Gain an increased awareness of THC analogs.
10:10 - 10:30am
Break in Exhibit Area
10:30 - 12pm
CE: 1.50

Session 9. Evolving Strategies in Alternative to Discipline Programs: A Historical Overview and Future Outlook

  • Abby Migliore, MSN, MBA, RN; Alabama Board of Nursing; Montgomery, Alabama and NOAP President Elect (Moderator)
  • Virginia Matthews, RN, BSN, MBA; Director, California Recovery Program (Maximus) and NOAP President
  • Linda Smith, MSN, MDiv; Former CEO Florida Intervention Project for Nurses; NOAP's First President
  • We will be inviting past Presidents of the organization to join us on the panel to share their memories, challenges, and hopes for the future


The National Organization of Alternative Programs (NOAP) started as a vision in early 1990’s when Jean Sullivan (WA Program), Linda Smith (Florida IPN) and Diane Kulas (TN) requested a meeting at NCSBN to explore the possibility of forming a structured group with the purpose of uniting and supporting alternative to discipline programs (and directors) that were beginning to develop around the country. In the subsequent years NOAP is now recognized by the major nursing organizations as the expert in issues associated with the care and appropriate interventions to address impairing conditions among nurses, and, how to effectively promote and enhance workplace safety. This session will allow those founding visionaries to discuss this process, areas of need or concern that they identified in the beginning, facing alternative to discipline programs, how the organization has developed, and what they have learned along the way to help programs today. The session will also address the current vision and work NOAP is doing. Finally it will open up a discussion among the audience, past/current/future presidents of NOAP and the founders on how NOAP can address the opportunities and challenges facing alternative to discipline programs over the next many years.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Discuss the vision and the purpose for which NOAP was established 25 years ago. 
  2. Learn about the inception and history of NOAP. 
  3. Discuss the process, areas of concern and identify items facing alternative to discipline programs with the founding visionaries of NOAP. 
  4. Learn how NOAP was developed and what the founders learned along the way.
Lunch with Exhibitors Everglades
1 - 1:30pm

Exhibitor wrap up meeting

(Exhibitors and NOAP Conference Planning Committee only)

Afternoon Open
6:30 - 8:30pm

Dolphin & Wildlife Sunset Cruise

Thursday, May 16, $70 per person

6:30pm: Depart Marriott Dock/Boat Launch; return at 8:30pm

The sunsets around Sanibel and Captiva Island are breathtaking. The best way to see it is by boat out on the shimmering waters surrounding Fort Myers. The Sunset Dolphin Cruise travels through a naturally enchanting habitat. Come experience wild dolphins in a magical setting and witness one of Florida’s largest populations of wading birds as they swoop in to roost for the evening. Manatees frequent these waters as well as seasonal birds such as the White Pelican and Bald Eagle. Narrated by our knowledgeable Captain and First Mate this is hands down our most popular boat tour. Bottled water provided.

Meet at the Marriott Hotel Dock



Friday, May 17

Subject to change


7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors Everglades
8:30 - 8:40am Welcome & Announcements
8:40 - 10:10am

CE: 1.50

Moderator: Virginia Matthews

Session 10. So, You Want to be an Evaluator? A Practical Approach to the Evaluation of a Safety Sensitive Professional


Drug and alcohol screening is an essential component of evaluating safety-sensitive professionals. Regular testing can help ensure that these individuals are not under the influence of substances that could impair their judgment or performance.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Define a safety-sensitive profession and explain why it is important to evaluate those professionals.
  2. Identify components of an evaluation.
  3. Discuss how to elicit the most thorough and honest narrative from an evaluation participant.
10:10 - 10:30am
Break in Exhibit Area
10:30 - 12noon

CE: 1.50

Moderator: Miranda Bullington

Session 11. The Neurobiology of Addiction

  • John Calvin Tanner, DO, DFASAM, DABAM, FAOAAM, CCFC, MRO; Medical Director - Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN); Jacksonville Beach, Florida
  • Presentation Handout


This lecture will describe how the survival mechanisms and structures within the brain (based in the reward system, memory, motivation and drive, and inhibitory control) are essentially hijacked by addictive substances, altering behaviors from those which are conducive to survival and thriving to behaviors which become self-destructive.

Learner Objectives:

  1. The participant will gain a better understanding of processes within our very complex brains that are hardwired for survival and are based on the reward, memory, motivation, and judgment systems, and how these result in behaviors that help us to survive. 
  2. The participant will gain a better understanding as to how substances of abuse progressively hijacked the survival mechanisms within the brain.
  3. The participant will come to understand how established treatments for substance use disorders specifically target specific areas of the brain to facilitate recovery from addictive behaviors.
12noon Conference Closing

Conference Presenters

James David Cleghorn, MA; National Council of State Boards of Nursing; Kathleen, Georgia

Jim Cleghorn is Director, Member Engagement and Government Affairs for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in Chicago.  In that role, he and his staff support the NCSBN membership and advance state and federal policy initiatives that impact nursing regulation.  Prior to his work with NCSBN, Jim served as the executive director of the Georgia Board of Nursing from 2010-2020 and was instrumental in increasing the efficiency of board operations and providing improved constituent services.  In 2013, he was awarded the “Excellence in Partnership with Nursing Award” from the Georgia Nurses Association.  Jim served on the NCSBN Board of Directors from 2014-2020 and served as President-elect and President of the board from 2018-2020.  In 2022, he was inducted into the Georgia Nursing Hall of Honor for leadership in health policy, ethics, and law.

Anthony G. Costantino, PhD F-ABCC; Costantino Consulting Services, Inc; Penllyn, Pennsylvania

Dr. Costantino has a BS in Pharmacy and an MS in Pharmacology and Toxicology from Duquesne University and a PhD in forensic toxicology from the University of Maryland Medical School. He is a Fellow of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology, Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Past President, and Member and of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists and a member of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. In his most recent experience, he served as the President and CEO of Drugscan, Inc, and is now consulting in the field of forensic and clinical toxicology.

James Ferguson, DO, DFASAM, C-MRO; Vault Health; Willow Grove, Pennsylvania

Dr. Ferguson, the Medical Director of Vault Health Recovery Management Solutions is a Diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM), a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and a Medical Review Officer (MRO) certified by the Medical Review Officer Certification Council. He directed the ASAM Comprehensive MRO Training Course from 2003 until 2013 and currently teaches MRO Training through the American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine (AOCOPM) and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Medical Review Officer Certification Council (MROCC).

Myrtle Greene, PhD, LMHC, CAP, ICADC; Intervention Project for Nurses; Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Dr. Greene serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) with the Florida Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) program. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) as well as an International Certified Addiction Counselor (ICADC). Dr. Greene facilitates workshops and trainings on "Workplace Impairment" in healthcare and has authored professional publications on addiction in healthcare settings. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology and Master of Arts degrees in Counseling Psychology, Rehabilitation Counseling, and Philosophy. Recently, she completed a research study on “How COVID-19 Impacted Nurses in a ATD program. Dr. Greene is the Past President of the National Organization of Alternative Programs (NOAP). She is currently an advisory member of the Florida State College of Jacksonville (FSCJ) Nursing Education Advisory Committee. Other memberships include the Florida Quality and Unity in Nursing Council (QUIN), American Psychological Association (APA), National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Florida Mental Health Association (FMHA).

Joe Jones, PhD; USDTL; Des Plaines, Illinois

Joseph Jones has worked in the clinical forensic toxicology field for over 30 years and is currently the COO of USDTL.  He has contributed to over 30 scientific papers in forensic toxicology. Jones has been certified by the National Registry of Certified Chemists as a Toxicological Chemist.

Barry Lubin, MD, FASAM, MRO; Affinity Online Solutions; Vienna, Virginia

After completing undergraduate work at Rutgers University with highest honors, Barry entered medical school at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, PA. He then completed an Internal Medicine residency at Jackson Memorial/University of Miami Hospitals before engaging in 12 years of Internal Medicine/Geriatrics practice in South Florida. He worked at Talbott Recovery Center in Atlanta for 9 years where he became a certified Addiction Medicine specialist. He is also a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and a certified Medica Review Officer. Barry is the proud grandfather of 5 beautiful girls.

Apollonia E. Lysandrou, BS, UF Health Florida Recovery Center; Gainesville, Florida

Apollonia Lysandrou began working at the UF Health Florida Recovery Center as an undergraduate research assistant. Under the mentorship of Dr. Ben Lewis, she led several research projects, presented findings at local and national meetings, and won numerous awards for her work. After graduating in 2021, she transitioned into a full-time leadership position with the FRC research team, overseeing a large group of undergraduates, leading the laboratory’s journal club, coordinating data collection protocols, conducting statistical analyses, and continuing to pursue her own research questions. Her recent work published in the Journal of Addictive Diseases, has examined pain and pain-related vulnerabilities among healthcare professionals in treatment for substance use disorders. Apollonia is currently applying to doctoral programs in clinical psychology and looks forward to a promising career as a clinician-scientist.

Abby Migliore, MSN, MBA, RN; Alabama Board of Nursing; Montgomery, Alabama

Abby Migliore is the Administrative Director for Discipline/Compliance Monitoring with the Alabama Board of Nursing (ABN), since 2015. Abby oversees the ABN’s Voluntary Discipline Alternative Program (VDAP), which monitors nurses with admitted substance abuse, mental health or physical health concerns that may impede professional performance, the Probation Department, which monitors nurses as a condition of discipline against their licenses and Compliance Nurses, who apply professional nursing judgement to alleged violations of the Alabama Nurse Practice Act. She has presented nationally and internationally on subjects that effect healthcare to include substance abuse and mental health and wellness of healthcare workers.

Tim Reid, PharmD; ToxDirect Testing Services; Austin, Texas

Tim received his Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Sydney and worked as a clinical pharmacist in Australia for 3 years overseeing the supply of prescribed medications to hundreds of patients within his community. Since joining ToxDirect Testing Services, Tim has worked to identify new sectors who can benefit from innovative drug testing services. With a passion for a ‘participant’ approach to care, Tim enjoys working closely with organizations and judicial systems to bring awareness to more ethical, trauma-informed, and accurate testing to improve participant outcomes.

Donna Smith, PhD, EdD; RecoveryTrek; Virginia Beach, Virginia

Dr. Smith is the Quality Assurance Officer for Recovery Trek, LLC. As one of the principal authors and architects of the drug and alcohol testing regulations for U.S. military personnel, federal employees, and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulated employees, Dr. Smith has expertise and experience in forensic standards for specimen collection, laboratory analysis and review and interpretation of drug and alcohol test results. She has served on the faculties of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) developing and teaching Medical Review Officer (MRO) courses. She has co-authored MRO Manuals and Guidebooks. Dr. Smith has served on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Federal Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB), the Board of Directors of the Substance Abuse Program Administrators’ Association (SAPAA), and the Governing Board of the Drug-Free America Foundation.

Linda Smith, MSN, MDiv; Former CEO Florida Intervention Project for Nurses; NOAP's First President

Linda Smith has over 35 years of experience in working with alternative to disciplinary programs. She was instrumental in early development of programs around the country and is the former Executive Director of Florida Intervention Project for Nurses. Linda’s work was instrumental in making fundamental changes to how nurses with substance disorders are treated and cared for. She is a published author and continues to offer consultation to the Georgia Nurses Association Peer Assistance Program ,. Linde currently resides in the Atlanta area.

John Calvin Tanner, DO, DFASAM, DABAM, FAOAAM, CCFC, MRO; Medical Director - Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN); Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Medical Director for the Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) Florida; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Florida College of Medicine (currently a courtesy appointment); Part-time private Addiction and Behavioral Medicine practice since 1984; Medical Director Tides Edge; Former Director at Large for the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Board of Directors for consecutive terms (from 2011 to March 2019); Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (DFASAM); Fellow of the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (FAOAAM); Currently serving on the Board of Directors for the Florida Society of Addiction Medicine since 2013; Inaugural Diplomate of The American Board of Addiction Medicine (DABAM); One of the 3 Principle Investigators for the FDA Phase 2 and 3 Clinical Trials for approval of Suboxone® Film; Medical Review Officer (MRO) by the Medical Review Officer Certification Council; Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor (CCFC) and Diplomate of The Board of Clinical Forensic Counseling; and Certificate of Added Qualifications in Addiction Medicine by the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists under the Conjoined Boards.

Scott Teitelbaum, MD, FAAP, DFASAM; University of Florida; Gainesville

Scott Teitelbaum, M.D. serves as the Medical Director of the UF Health Florida Recovery Center (FRC) and since that time, he has been involved in the evaluation and treatment of more than 5,000 healthcare providers and other professionals from across the country, and FRC has led the way nationally with its evidence-based treatment of addiction. Dr. Teitelbaum received the Pottash Endowment in 2016, which has funded a research initiative focused on the fight toward recovery. Dr. Teitelbaum has received multiple awards and honors, including the prestigious ASAM Annual Award in 2018 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field.

Elizabeth Temple, M.Ed; CEO, Birchwood Solutions; Franklin, Tennessee

Elizabeth is a dynamic leader and seasoned professional in the healthcare industry, currently serving as the CEO of Birchwood Solutions, LLC. Elizabeth is an innovator in the healthcare compliance landscape, bridging the realms of healthcare and education to create impactful solutions that address the complex needs of individuals on their journey to recovery. Elizabeth earned a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Instructional Technology from the University of South Florida. Driven by a passion for both healthcare and education, Elizabeth developed online recovery support groups for healthcare professionals. Leveraging her extensive knowledge of healthcare practices and compliance, she adeptly designs and implements effective solutions for State Alternative Programs and Licensing Boards.

Rachel Waters, LMHC; UF Health Florida Recovery Center; Gainesville, Florida

Rachel is the Director of Professionals Programming at the Florida Recovery Center. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with 15 years of progressive leadership in mental health and substance abuse therapy, experienced in direct clinical care and outreach. Rachel now helps focus on guiding patients and family members to the services needed that will empower them to make the changes needed to reach long term recovery.

Lawrence Wilson, MD, MRO, ABAM, FASAM; 7 Summit Pathways Treatment & Recovery Center; Tampa, Florida

Dr. Lawrence Wilson is the CEO and Medical Director of 7 Summit Pathways. Dr. Wilson is board-certified in addiction medicine and a fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He is a certified medical review officer and is a national expert in the field of toxicology testing. He is also a physician consultant to the Florida Department of Health and its professional monitoring programs—which perform evaluations on more than 1,000 physicians, dentists, and nurses.

Meal Functions


Exhibitor Welcome Reception, 5:05 - 5:50pm

  • Fresh Cut and Whole Fruit
  • Domestic and International Cheeses
  • Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Shooters
  • Smoked Salmon with Spicy Oriental Sauce
  • Lamb Gyro on Miniature Pita
  • Chicken Yakatori

Wednesday (& Friday Breakfast)

Breakfast, 7:30 - 8:30am, American Buffet (Wed & Friday):

  • Orange, Grapefruit, Tomato, & Apple Juice, Market Style Seasonal Fruit and Berries (GF)
  • Cold Cereals Served with 2% and Skim Milk
  • Cage Free Scrambled Eggs (GF)
  • Breakfast Sausage Links
  • Applewood Bacon and Breakfast Potatoes (GF)
  • Freshly Baked Danish, Breakfast Muffins and Croissants, Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Teas.

Lunch, 12 - 1:30pm, Little Italy:

  • Pasta e Fagioli Soup
    • Caesar Salad, Caprese Salad, Balsamic Grilled Vegetables, Red Quinoa Salad
    • Rigatoni a la Vodka with Mushrooms
    • Chicken Milanese with Arugula and Tomato Concasse
    • Roasted Vegetable Flatbread
    • Table Centerpiece of Miniature Napoleons, Cream Puffs, Éclairs
    • Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Teas, Iced Tea


Breakfast, 7:30 - 8:30am, American Buffet:

  • Orange, Grapefruit, Tomato, & Apple Juice
  • Market Style Seasonal Fruit and Berries (GF)
  • Cage Free Scrambled Eggs with Chorizo Sausage, Pico De Gallo, Cheddar Cheese, Guacamole, Frijoles and Warm Flour Tortillas
  • Corned Beef Hash with Onions & Cilantro
  • Breakfast Potatoes
  • Texas Style Biscuits with Sausage Gravy
  • Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Teas

Lunch, 12:25pm, Buffet:

  • Fire Roasted Tomato Soup
  • Fresh Field Green Salad with Assorted Dressings (GF)
  • Arugula Salad Goat cheese, Granny Smith Apple
  • Savory Roasted Chicken; Natural Sage Jus
  • Salmon with Saffron Honey Blossom
  • Herbed Farro Pilaf topped with Grilled Vegetables
  • Table Centerpiece of Petite Fours and Miniature Pastries 
  • Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Teas

Contact Us

If you have any questions about NOAP please feel free to contact us.

Email NOAP


3416 Primm Lane
Birmingham, AL 35216

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