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Daily Schedule

Nursing CEs

This conference is approved for up to 14.00 Nursing CEs* with the California Board of Nursing. Each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance with Nursing CEs after completion of the conference survey.

*subject to change



Tuesday, May 13

Subject to change

10 - 11:15am

NOAP Board of Directors and Conference Committee Meeting

(Invitation only)

10 - 4pm
11:20 - 12pm
First Time Attendee Orientation
12:10 - 12:30pmWelcome & Opening
12:30 - 1:30pmSession 1. Gambling Addictions
1:35 - 2:35pmSession 2. Representing Impaired Professionals
2:35 - 3pmBreak with Exhibitors
3 - 4pm Session 3. Return to Work: Issues Facing RNs
4:05 - 5:05pm Session 4. Return to Work: Issues Facing CRNAs
5:05 - 6pmExhibitor Welcome Reception



Wednesday, May 14

Subject to change

7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 - 8:40amOpening Announcements
8:40 - 9:40am Sessions 5. Professional Boundaries in Healthcare
9:45 - 10:45am Sessions 6. Addiction Presentation
10:45 - 11amBreak with Exhibitors
11:05 - 12pmNOAP Annual Business Meeting
12 - 1:30pmLunch
1:30 - 4pm Session 7. MRO Toxicology Panel

Afternoon; Dinner on your own



Thursday, May 15

Subject to change

7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 - 8:40amOpening Announcements
8:40 - 9:55am Sessions 8. Program Panel: State/Program Updates & Trends
9:55 - 10:20amBreak with Exhibitors
10:20 - 11:20amSession 9. Trauma Care & Addiction Treatment
11:25 - 12:25pmSession 10. Workspace Re-entry Coordination between Treatment Facilities and Monitoring Programs
12:25pmLunch, Afternoon, Evening open/on your own



Friday, May 16

Subject to change

7 - 8am
Support Group Meeting
7:30 - 8:30am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 - 8:40am Welcome & Announcements
8:40 - 10:10am Sessions 11. Experiencing Strength & Hope
10:10 - 10:20amBreak
10:20 - 11:50amSession 12. Nevada BON Legal Presentation
Conference Closing

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If you have any questions about NOAP please feel free to contact us.

Email NOAP


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Birmingham, AL 35216

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